Wednesday, December 20, 2006

conjunctivitis got me down

i have pink eye. eye; that nasty little infection victimizing the kindergardeners of the world? i have it.

I'm not really sure how I contracted such a gross infection. I haven't even been around kids! Maybe I got it from holding a grab bar on the Philadelphia subway, sans Purell. I'm in the throws of infection and it seems to be that time when everyone's true colors begin to show. It's like I've resorted back to the playground in 5th grade, and no one wants to play with me. I can envision how my upcoming phone conversation might go:

Me: Hey Mish, are we still on for dinner tonight?
Michelle: Yeah, definitely
Me: Oh, there's this one little thing...I have pinkeye
Michelle: Oh crap, I totally forgot. Tonight's my mom's cousin's boss' boyfriend's family christmas party. I already rsvp'ed...but lets reschedule for next week, ok?

I really can't blame my friends. I wouldn't want to be around me either. Which is why I was upset when this conversation occured at the pharmacy today:

Pharmacy Technician: Kelly T for Tough? Kelly T for Tough?
Me: Yep, right here!
PT: Hi Ma'am, I have your one prescription, but we don't have the pinkeye medication in stock, so you'll have to come back tomorrow.
Me: TOMMORROW?? Can you not see that I am a 21 year old with pinkeye? Can you not see the two wooly mammoth eyebrows growing over my pink, gooey eye that are way out of control and are supposed to be getting waxed today? Can you not understand that noone wants to be around me because they're afraid of catching this kindergarden infection themselves? Can you not see that pink is not a very becoming color for my eye and that you are making it increasingly difficult to go out and join the other hussies to find me a man at the bar? TOMMORROW IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

Apparently my powers of persuasion were in full effect today, because that technician promptly called the prescription in to a neighboring Wegmans.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

BBQ Bite

November 28, 2006 is a day that will go down in infammy. For I, Kelly T for Tough, longtime vegetarian of 11 years, ate chicken. What is happening to this world that such an event actually occurred!? Next thing you know I'll be renouncing my diabetes.

The denial of chronic diseases?! Now THAT is serious.

The trouble is, I've yet to delve into the fleshy goodness since. Perhaps I went about it the wrong way. Perhaps trying the one itty bitty bite of bbq chicken was not the way to go. I've always been a "go big or go home" kinda gal, and really, why should this be any different? I've never been called a tease (okay, i have... but work with me here) and i'm not going to start now. It is far too monumental of an event to renig on this carnivorous activity. I am done with baby steps. Therefore, I am setting forth a meat eating deadline. By December 12, 2006 (the two week anniversary of the bbq bite) I vow to eat chicken again...and not just a wussy little bite, a valiant, balls-to-the-wall poultry meal! Your support is welcomed, and albeit finals, I will do my best to blog results of the meat challenge in a timely fashion.