Thursday, January 18, 2007

Holiday Cheer!

Man, I really suck at this whole blogging thing. I think it's because I assume that nobody reads it, and really, isn't the purpose of blogging to be loved and adored? (kidding...sort of) Anyway, lets get to it.

It is a brand new year, hopefully full of brand new adventures. And with the coming of a new year comes the obligatory new years resolution. In reaction to my distaste for half-hearted vows, I have thought long and hard about what this testament should be.

My new years resolution is to celebrate obscure holidays.

We hear about them all the time. And unless they lead to getting a day off school or work, we may have even scoffed at them at one point or another. But ladies and gentlemen, I have decided to embrace these holidays in hopes of a more entertaining, more culturally aware year. And without further ado, I present to you a partial list of what 2007 may hold:

January 4: National Trivia Day? Okay!
January 21: National Hugging Day? Why not!
February 8: National Boyscout Anniversary Day? Scavenger hunt mania!
February 11: White Shirt Day? GRAFFITI PARTY!
February 22: National Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day? ummm HE-LLO, I go to DREXEL...and would now like to start accepting applications from hot, nerdy guys willing to let me follow them around.
March 16: National Lips Appreciation Day? Make out buddy!
March 26: Make up Your Own Holiday Day? Don't mind if I do!
April 29: National Dance Day? Come out and I'll show you my moves.
April 21: National kindergarten Day: Lets go get some pinkeye!
May: National BBQ Month? Hot damn!
May 5: Cinco de Mayo? More like Drinko de Mayo!
May 7: Melanoma Monday? Here comes the sun!
June 14: Flag Day? Who's up for some flag football?
July 12: National Jello day (also Bill Cosby's bday)? Jello shots!
July 15: National ice cream day? HOLLER.
August 1: National Girlfriend's day? Alright, so clearly I need to be in a relationship for this one, but hey: I have 7 months to find one. And once I do, I fully intend on celebrating this holiday.
August 8: National Underwear Day? So what are the chances that they created this one for Britney Spears?
August 17: National Sandcastle Day? Beach trip!
September 25: National One Hit Wonder Day? Man do I love themed parties

...So that's as far as I got before getting tired of looking...but you get the point.
Obviously there are some awesome holidays out there. But it needs to be said that some of them aren't so great. Those of you who know me well, also know my feelings regarding the neighboring state of New Jersey. July 1-7 is National Be Nice to New Jersey Week. And to that I say: No Way in Hell.


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