Monday, January 22, 2007

A Bigger Bite

I never really updated on the whole meat challenge. Technically I think I failed. That second meat-eating week came and went without consuming an entire meaty meal. I blame it on finals...But I have since delved into the poultry world with defiance! Back in Rochester (post finals) due to the care, enthusiasm and culinary wonders of Mama T., hardly a meal went by without incorporation of the bird. I've got the whole chicken thing down. I've even tried salmon and crab (well...crab dip anyway) from the crab capital of the world (MD for those uninformed)! So what if I missed my deadline? Timeliness has never been my forte and doesn't the end justify the means? I hereby declare Meat Challenge 2006/2007 a success! (crowd cheers, young children throw flower petals, etc.).


At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly... I'm procrastinating from doing work and stumbled across your blog...

wow.... 11 years vegetarian?? Next month marks 1 year of me being a strict vegetarian.. for awhile i did the peschetarian thing and ate fish... but I haven't had meat in a whole year! 11 years is awesome.

Why did you decide to go back to eating meat?


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